Ziqitza Rajasthan - Covid-19 unsung heroes : Ambulance and Call Centre Staff keeps the fight going
The second Covid-19 wave sweeping the country is testing the resilience of essential services providers like never before with the number of infections rising at an alarming rate and several patients requiring urgent hospitalization. ZHL Rajasthan appreciates the enormous risks taken by drivers and emergency medical technicians deployed on ambulances with advanced life support systems are often overlooked as the spotlight is often on doctors and nurses. They are among several unsung heroes making an enormous personal sacrifice to ensure India doesn’t give up in the fight against the pandemic. In the midst of a pandemic – COVID -19 Ambulance Staff and Healthcare workers are at the front line to fight it by risking their and their family lives while transferring the patients. They are worried about themselves and their family safety. Here are some stories shared by Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd Ambulance Staff. Sharing with you a story of an Ambulance driver, 29-year-old Sunil Vishwaka...